Welcome PixARK
Please welcome to the CyberGameZone family the game: PixARK
Jopin the discord for more information.
Aberration is LIVE! [.:CyberGameZone:.]-[.:Aberration:.] - (v275.0) is LIVE!
DLC Coming- Replacing a server.
Ok, the server has been wiped and waiting for the new DLC. I have set the following configs atm: Day Settings. Day 1 Night 1.75 .55 ----------- Harvest 2x XP 2x Taming Speed 2x Dino Harvest 3x (default) Egg Hatch 5x Baby Mature 5x Cut spoiling in half for crops, food, health, and stamina. Also set- bDisableStructurePlacementCollision=true
Preparing for the new DLC ARK
In order to prepare for the new DLC, we will be working on backups, and preparations. Today all data will be wiped from theIsland server. Expect a new server name and updates in the channel and website. YHou can still search for CyberGameZone but will also put the name of the map in the string. Thank you for your patience.
Shift in focus
Hello fellow CyberGameZone Community members...
We are going to do a shift in focus. We are going to focus more on the site as a community and not so much on a 'tribe' like focus on some subsites.
This means expect 1 site and not a new site for each game. Maybe down the road as we grow again. But staying focused on a single place, for a single group is best.
Thank you for your patience.
*Keep your suggestions coming.
We are open to other games to the community. We will be searching leadership in those to lead. And we are going to remove from the community 'secondlife' by popular demand.